Dilithium Real Estate
Portland Headshot & Branding Photography Session
I was so glad to be the Portland headshot photographer that Brandi choose for her headshot and branding photography session in Portland, OR.

Brandi is the owner, and real estate agent, for Dilithium Real Estate. Now if the word "dilithium" rang a bell for you, then you're likely also a Star Trek fan, just like Brandi and myself. When I learned that about her it only made me more excited to work together. For those of you who don't know, in Star Trek, dilithium is an invented material which serves as a controlling agent in the matter-antimatter reactors. Since they couldn't replicate it, tit was rare, and search for the crystals was a recurring plot element in the original series.

Brandi wanted to have a traditional headshot taken for herself and her husband. Then branding images for her real estate company. We started with some environmental headshots. Then we created unique content she could use throughout her business, like posting on social media, in client newsletters, as well as tying in with education and tips for her clients. Brandi did a great job personalizing her headshot and branding photography session to really represent what her business is all about and how uniquely she approaches the real estate word. Some of the fun things she included were her dogs, a Geordi La Forge T-shirt, and Star Trek wines & spirits that she use for client gifts. How fun and now I want some!

I asked Brandi if she would share a little bit about her small business, how she tackles the real estate client experience differently, herself and her adorable dogs. Keep reading to check out her thoughtful answers.
What do you love most about your job?
I enjoy redefining residential real estate. Realtors often get a bad rap, and unfortunately, that is oft-times deserved. The barrier to entry is low. Training for new real estate agents is spotty at best and is usually centered more on how to obtain clients than it is on what the client experience should be. This mind-set creates agents that are good at meeting people but very spotty on the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to successfully represent buyers and sellers. From the time I began in this industry to now, many years later, I've taken a project management approach to real estate. It's my mission to educate and guide my clients in order to maximize their chances for success (whether that is netting top dollar on a listing or successfully competing for their dream home). I manage each aspect of a sale from the very first meeting all the way to closing and beyond. Communication, organization, technology, data, and research are all fundamental. Every part of this process is crucial and I do not hand off my clients to junior agents or assistants. When clients hire me, they know that they are working with an expert they can trust from beginning to end. This is what real estate should be about: providing top service and expertise to help people reach their goals with the least amount of stress possible.

What is different or unique about your approach to real estate?
I have a background in sales, marketing, technology, management, and science. My geek cred combined with my strong research and communication skills give me a fresh perspective on real estate. When I'm showing a home, I'm not there thinking of ways to convince my buyers to place an offer. Seeing the home for the first time is just the kick-start to the data-gathering process. I'm very good at locating potential pain points when viewing a home, creating questions that can be researched, and gleaning as much as I can from the seller BEFORE an offer is written. This is just one reason why I very rarely have buyers terminate a transaction after going into contract. With sellers, the same emphasis on data applies. I don't just use a program to pull a comparable market analysis and call it a day. I personally dive into the data to learn as much about the home as possible. When I meet the seller at the home for the first time, I put together a long list of information that I can utilize for recommended repairs, marketing, and readily available data for when buyers inevitably have questions. Communication and information are key in maximizing top dollar! I don't skimp on advertising, either. I often represent buyers from out-of-state so I know how important it is for listing data to be accurate and include helpful information such as 3-D walk throughs, energy scores, and floor plans. The smallest of details can make or break a buyer's decision to consider a listing, and you only have a short amount of time to grab people's attention. It pays to hire a Realtor that takes the time to get things right!

Anything else you want to share about you, your job or your company?
The great thing about looking at real estate as project management is that throughout the process, I am continually focused on achieving the end goal for my clients. For some people, that's selling the home or finding a home as fast as possible. In most cases, that's maximizing net proceeds from the sale of the property or successfully closing on a dream home at a good price. There are many different stepping stones along the way, and sometimes things can become difficult. And that's okay, because I'm here to guide my clients through the process to the best outcome for THEM. Oh, and I also LOVE a good negotiation! :)

Tell me about your dogs.
What are your dogs name? And how did you choose them?
Roxy, Walter, and Val With Roxy (Roxanne) she had this funky marking on her eye that made me think of Rocky Marciano and that somehow morphed into Roxy. My sister-in-law is great at naming dogs. She came up with Walter, which is the perfect name for him. He's the lazy bones of the bunch. Val (Valerie) is a firecracker. I kept trying to think of very strong names for her and I kept coming back to the idea of a Valkyrie. Thus, Val.

How old are your dog? And what bread are they?
Roxy and Walter are almost 4. Val is still a puppy, not even a year. They are all miniature Dachshunds.

Tell me some fun things your dog does, about their personality, or anything else you want to share.
Roxy is the most energetic dog I've ever had. She'd chase after toys and balls all day until her heart burst. She's also the only dog I've ever had that will watch TV. She'll even watch videos on my cell phone. She ALWAYS knows when a dog or cat is on a screen, even with the sound off.

Walter is pretty lazy but still likes to play, just not near the energy level as most other dogs I've had. If the sky-water would stop falling for a while, he'd spend all his days out on the deck, sunning himself and keeping an eye out for those terrorizing squirrels and bunnies. Pretty much the only time you'll ever see him run is if he catches sight of one.

Val loves playing and is always up for a game of fetch or wrestling with her big bro and big sis, even if they'd rather not. She's the first dog I've ever had that gets terribly car sick. We're working on that. Of course, being Dachshunds, they're all stubborn as can be and no matter how much I train them, they only obey when it fits into their personal agenda. Barking like crazy at just about any noise goes with the territory.

Looking for a Portland headshot or branding photographer?
Contact me now to book your session.
Her dogs are so cute! Love the picture of all three of them!