UPDATE: Oregon has changed from phases to risk levels, please use this link to see blog with current information for your wedding planning.
This blog will no longer be updated but all links will still take you to the right information.
Best Practices During All Phases of COVID-19
How to Be Prepared for Your Coronavirus Wedding in Oregon State
Until we have a vaccine, effective treatment, or herd immunity against COVID-19 it is crucial for states to maintain a level of community intervention to stop the spread.
"A Safe and Strong Oregon" presents a plan for Oregon businesses to reopen.
Last updated 7/31/20

"You don’t make the timeline. The virus makes the timeline."
–Dr. Anthony Fauci
All phases are grounded in the following required basic practices:
For Individuals
• Engage in Physical Distancing
Keep at least six feet from others not in your household.
• Wear a Mask
or cloth face coverings in public places inside. And outside when 6ft. cannot be
maintained consistently. Masks maybe removed when seated to eat or drink.
Children under 5 are still encouraged to wear a mask but not required.
• Stay Home If Sick or Part of a Vulnerable Population
and avoid others who are sick.
• Wash Your Hands
frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
• Cover Coughs and Sneezes
• Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose, and Mouth
• Disinfect Surfaces and Objects Regularly
For Businesses
• Wear a Mask
Require employees, contractors, volunteers, customers, and visitors to wear a
mask, face shield, or face covering while indoors. Masks are also required in
outdoor spaces where social distancing cannot be consistently maintained. While
still strongly recommended exceptions are made for those under 5 years old. Refer
to Statewide Mask, Face Shield, Face Covering Guidance for additional details.
• Engage in Physical Distancing
Maintain a minimum of six-feet between all employees (and customers) during
all interactions at all times. When strict physical distancing is not feasible for a
specific task, other prevention measures are required, such as the use of barriers,
minimizing staff or customers in narrow or enclosed areas.
• Wash Your Hands
frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
• Frequent Cleaning
Regularly disinfect commonly touched surfaces (workstations, keyboards,
telephones, handrails, doorknobs, etc.), as well as high traffic areas and perform
other environmental cleaning.
• Know the signs and symptoms of COVID-19
and what to do if employees develop symptoms at the workplace
• Post a Sign Requesting Customers to Wear Face Coverings
• Make health and safety a priority
by implementing safeguards to protect employees and the public.
See sector-specific guidance to determine the required safeguards.
• Determine the Maximum Occupancy
of the establishment or location based on applicable OHA guidance and post the
maximum occupancy sign in a visible location.
For more information about COVID-19 in Oregon visit the following:
• Check the county staus page to see what phase your venue's county is in.
•A Safe and Strong Oregon (original state plan document)
For information about Washington:
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