UPDATE: Washington has changed from 4 phases to 2 phases, please use this link to see blog with current information for your wedding planning.
This blog will no longer be updated.
Best Practices During All Phases of COVID-19
How to Be Prepared for Your Coronavirus Wedding in Washington State
Until we have a vaccine, effective treatment, or herd immunity against COVID-19 it is crucial for states to maintain some level of community intervention to suppress the spread of the virus. Washington's "Safe Start Washington plan" states that, all Washingtonians have a responsibility to protect themselves and others.
Last updated July 31st, 2020.

All phases are grounded in the following required basic practices:
For Individuals
• Engage in Physical Distancing
Keep at least six feet from others not in your household
• Wear a Mask
or cloth face coverings in public places when not eating or drinking
• Stay Home If Sick
and avoid others who are sick
• Wash Your Hands
frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
• Cover Coughs and Sneezes
• Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose, and Mouth
• Disinfect Surfaces and Objects Regularly
For Businesses
• Wear a Mask
all employees are required to wear a cloth facial covering, with the following
when communicating with someone who relies on language cues such as facial
markers and expression and mouth movements as a part of communication.
Refer to Coronavirus Facial Covering and Mask Requirements for additional details.
• Engage in Physical Distancing
Maintain minimum six-foot separation between all employees (and customers) in
all interactions at all times. When strict physical distancing is not feasible for a
specific task, other prevention measures are required, such as the use of barriers,
minimizing staff or customers in narrow or enclosed areas.
• Wash Your Hands
frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
• Frequent Cleaning
Establish a housekeeping schedule that includes frequent cleaning and sanitizing
with a particular emphasis on commonly touched surfaces, including gear, props,
restrooms and common areas.
• Screen Employees for Signs/Symptoms of COVID-19
and ensure sick employees stay home or go home if they feel ill.
• Post a Sign Requesting Customers to Wear Face Coverings
• Keep a Safe and Healthy Facility
in accordance with state and federal law, and comply with COVID-19 worksite-
specific safety practices, and in accordance with the Washington State Department
of Labor & Industries’ General Coronavirus Prevention under the “Stay Home, Stay
Healthy” order and the Washington State Department of Health’s Workplace and
For Photographers
• Appointments are Required
• To Be Held Outdoors (whenever possible)
• Only One Client
(and family member, if client is a minor) allowed at a time indoor, or
outdoor in the immediate area. Groups are not allowed. An exception can be
made for groups consisting of immediate family only.
• Using No-Touch Posing Methods
• Remove All Unnecessary Paper Products or Decor
For more information about COVID-19 in Washington visit the following:
For information about Oregon:
Looking for a coronavirus wedding photographer?
Contact me now to schedule your no-obligation no-contact video consultation.