Washington Changes Phases, Again
How to Be Prepared for Your Coronavirus Wedding in Washington
The state of Washington has changed from 4 phases to 2....and now 3. This blog will give you the basics on what you need to know for planning a wedding. This blog will be updated regularly (last updated 4/12/21), but you can also use the links below for the most up to date information for the state of Washington.

Even though the vaccine is being rolled out, we still have a long way to go. Until then all Washingtonians are still asked to follow these basic best practices no matter where you go, if you have been vaccinated and no matter the counties risk level.
Wear a mask whenever we have to leave our home.
Limit gatherings to small groups
Keep at least six feet away from others outside your household
Wash your hands for 20 seconds
Stay home when sick
Get a flu shot
Follow COVID-19 rules in your county

The Department of Health will reassess all metrics every two weeks and announce any changes to current phase status every-other-Friday. Click here to check your or your venues counties risk level.
Unlike, Oregon, Washington has made "Weddings" it's own activity category. The following requirements apply to all weddings, and events (public or private), wherever they are held, indoors or outdoors, including but not limited to: those held at all privately owned property, business establishments, non-profit establishments, establishments owned by religious or faith-based organizations and publicly owned property (such as parks, beaches, or venues.

- Social and At-Home Gathering Size — Indoor
- Social and At-Home Gathering Size —Outdoor
Maximum 10 people from outside your household.
Limit 2 households.
- Weddings - Indoor
Ceremonies are limited to a total of no more than 30 people or 25% of maximum building capacity whichever is less (not including vendors). Indoor receptions or
similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are prohibited.
- Weddings - Outdoor
Ceremonies are limited to a total of 30 people. Receptions, or similar gatherings in conjunction are permitted in outdoor spaces, limited to a total of 30 people (not including vendors), so long as six feet of physical distancing is maintained between groups (groups of 10, limit 2 households). If food or drinks are served, eating and drinking requirements apply.

- Social and At-Home Gathering Size — Indoor
Maximum of 5 people from outside your household.
Limit 2 households.
- Social and At-Home Gathering Size —Outdoor
Maximum 15 people people from outside your household.
Limit 2 households.
- Wedding - Indoor
Ceremonies and indoor receptions or similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are permitted and must follow the appropriate venue requirements. Maximum capacity of 200 or 25% capacity (not including vendors), whichever is less, so long as six feet of physical distancing is maintained between groups. If food and drinks are served, eating and drinking requirements apply.
- Wedding - Outdoor
Ceremonies and receptions or similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are permitted and must follow the appropriate venue requirements. Maximum capacity of 200 (not including vendors), so long as six feet of physical distancing is maintained between groups (groups of 15 maximum, limit 2 households per group). If food and drinks are served, eating and drinking requirements apply.

- Social and At-Home Gathering Size — Indoor
Maximum of 10 people from outside your household.
- Social and At-Home Gathering Size —Outdoor
Maximum 50 people..
- Wedding - Indoor
Ceremonies and indoor receptions or similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are permitted and must follow the appropriate venue requirements. Maximum capacity of 400 or 50% capacity (not including vendors), whichever is less, so long as six feet of physical distancing is maintained between groups. Table size maximum of 10. If food and drinks are served, eating and drinking requirements apply.
- Wedding - Outdoor
Ceremonies and receptions or similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are permitted and must follow the appropriate venue requirements. Maximum capacity of 400 (not including vendors), so long as six feet of physical distancing is maintained between groups (groups of 15 maximum). If food and drinks are served, eating and drinking requirements apply.

More details on requirements for each activity:
Travel Guidelines
CDC Travel Planner - Get important information as you consider traveling to different cities and states across the United States.
For information about Oregon:
Looking for a coronavirus wedding or event photographer?
Contact me now to schedule your no-obligation, no-contact, video consultation.
This is such helpful info, thanks for sharing!