Oregon Changes to Risk Levels
How to Be Prepared for Your Coronavirus Wedding in Oregon
The state of Oregon has changed from Phases to Risk Levels, this blog will give you the basics on what you need to know for planning a wedding. This blog will be updated regularly, but you can also use the links below for the most up to date information for the state of Oregon. Last up dated March 19th, 2021.

Even though the vaccine is being rolled out, we still have a long way to go. Until then all Oregonians are still asked to follow these basic best practices no matter where you go, if you have been vaccinated and no matter the counties risk level.
Wear a mask whenever we have to leave our home.
Limit gatherings to small groups
Keep at least six feet away from others outside your household
Wash your hands
Stay home when sick
Get a flu shot
Follow COVID-19 rules in your county

The number of cases in each county help health officials make decisions about which activities are safe and what businesses can be open. County Risk Levels are updated every two weeks in response to how COVID-19 is spreading in our communities.
Depending on the location of your wedding it may fall into one or more of these "activity" categories: Social and At-Home Gathering Size (Indoor/Outdoor), Entertainment Establishments (Indoor/Outdoor), or Faith Institutions. Some wedding venues may also be required to follows guidelines set for "Eating and Drinking Establishments".

- Social and At-Home Gathering Size — Indoor
Maximum 6 people.
Recommended limit: 2 households
- Social and At-Home Gathering Size —Outdoor
Maximum 6 people.
Recommended limit: 2 households
- Indoor Entertainment Establishments
Indoor on-site consumption of food and drink is prohibited.
11:00 p.m closing time
For establishments 500 sq. ft. or larger
Customer capacity: Maximum 6 people total (not including employees) in
shared indoor entertainment spaces. Require minimum six (6) feet physical
distancing between households. Employee capacity: Limit to the minimum
number of employees needed to operate the establishment.
For establishments smaller than 500 sq. ft.
Customer capacity: Maximum 1 person total.
Employee capacity: Maximum one (1) employee total.
- Outdoor Entertainment Establishments
Max 50 people
11:00pm closing time
- Faith Institutions
Indoor Capacity: Maximum 25% occupancy or 100 people total, whichever is
smaller. Outdoor Capacity: 150 people maximum.
Recommended: limit services to one hour

- Social and At-Home Gathering Size — Indoor
Maximum 6 people.
Recommended limit: 2 households
- Social and At-Home Gathering Size —Outdoor
Maximum 8 people
- Indoor Entertainment Establishments
Capacity: Maximum 25% occupancy or 50 people total, whichever is smaller.
11:00 p.m. closing time.
- Outdoor Entertainment Establishments
Maximum 15% occupancy.
11:00 p.m. closing time.
- Faith Institutions
Indoor Capacity: Maximum 25% occupancy or 150 people total, whichever is
smaller. Outdoor Capacity: 200 people maximum

- Social and At-Home Gathering Size — Indoor
Maximum 8 people.
Recommended limit: 2 households
- Social and At-Home Gathering Size —Outdoor
Maximum 10 people
- Indoor Entertainment Establishments
Capacity: Maximum 50% occupancy or 100 people total, whichever is smaller.
11:00 p.m. closing time.
- Outdoor Entertainment Establishments
Maximum 25% occupancy.
11:00 p.m. closing time.
- Faith Institutions
Indoor Capacity: Maximum 50% occupancy or 150 people total, whichever is
smaller. Outdoor Capacity: 250 people maximum

- Social and At-Home Gathering Size — Indoor
Maximum 10 people.
Recommended limit: 4 households
- Social and At-Home Gathering Size —Outdoor
Maximum 12 people
- Indoor Entertainment Establishments
Capacity: Maximum 50% occupancy.
12:00 a.m. closing time.
- Outdoor Entertainment Establishments
Maximum 50% occupancy.
12:00 a.m. closing time.
- Faith Institutions
Indoor Capacity: Maximum 75% occupancy.
Outdoor Capacity: 300 people maximum

More details on requirements for each sector:
Travel Guidelines
CDC Travel Planner - Get important information as you consider traveling to different cities and states across the United States.
For information about Washington:
Looking for a coronavirus wedding or event photographer?
Contact me now to schedule your no-obligation, no-contact, video consultation.
Good to know and have this all in one place!
This is great, thank you for doing the research and putting this all together!